
Nikki Sixx up-date

A new teaser clip from SIXX:A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx's new book, "This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx". In the ARTISTdirect.com interview, Sixx stated about "This Is Gonna Hurt", "We're working on the book right now. It's 99 percent finished. It's exciting for me because it's probably got about 150 of my photographs in it as well, so you start to see the tie-in between who I was as a kid and who I am as an adult and then what happened in that journey and how this fucked up brain of mine works. "This Is Gonna Hurt" will include more than two dozen of Nikki's images. He will incorporate the stories behind the photos and how they came to be, including interviews with the subjects so readers can see "what life is like for those whom society has labeled as freaks."

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