
Metal Music linked to depression

The University of Melbourne has released a study indicating that depressed teens are more likely to "habitually and repetitively" listen to heavy metal music. Dr. Katrina McFerran, a senior lecturer in Music Therapy at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, is apparently looking to create an intervention model that can be placed into schools before behavioral problems occur. She says:

“Most young people listen to a range of music in positive ways; to block out crowds, to lift their mood or to give them energy when exercising, but young people at risk of depression are more likely to be listening to music, particularly heavy metal music, in a negative way.

“Examples of this are when someone listens to the same song or album of heavy metal music over and over again and doesn’t listen to anything else. They do this to isolate themselves or escape from reality.

“If this behavior continues over a period of time then it might indicate that this young person is suffering from depression or anxiety, and at worst, might suggest suicidal tendencies.”

1 comment:

  1. Sparkling Jewel29/10/11 6:45 PM

    Still with this theory. Puhleeze.
