Tracii Guns speaks about Dilana being out of his band:
"I think it's pretty clear why she is gone. It speaks for itself. I don't dislike her or hate her , although she did piss me off to the point where I did tell her I hate her guts and I probably really did at that moment. I also asked her if she wanted to finish out the tour and the reply from here manager was " She wants to do Atlanta and New Years eve" I said its all or nothing, and she said no. I think it's safe to say she quit lol!. Btw her manager is still working with us to get the tour finished out so, it's also safe to say that no one is freaking out except one person. I will say this though, what a bitchen band it was for a few minutes! Smile new year comin, time for a change. "
He's a mess. It's a damn shame.