
Van Halen Tribute album

Versailles Records will release a  Van Halen Tribute album sometime next year.
"Take Your Whiskey Home: A Millennium Tribute to Van Halen  77-'84" will feature performances from current/former members of Aerosmith, Ozzy, RATT, Dio, Black Sabbath, Quiet Riot & others metal bands from around the world who grew up on the classic VH catalog.

1 comment:

  1. SCAM ALERT! Before doing business with this individual please consider the following information;

    Jake Brown, Author Biographer - Nashville, TN
    Versailles Records
    RockNRoll Books
    Author Jake Brown solicited indie bands $50 each per song to be included in the CD sampler that was supposed to be released with his new book "Alice In Chains:In The Studio". I was included. And from what I've seen online in my research on Brown, TONS more sent their hard earned cash as well. One band I read sent $150 (link below).
    When published a year later the book did not come with a CD although the book itself supposedly mentions the "attached" CD.
    I did not receive any of the 5 copies Jake was supposed to send. Email after email were sent. Some were replies. Excuses. Whatnot. Still no books. No CD. Eventually no response from Jake at all even after my demands for my money back.

    A year after this ended, and I forgot about it all, he emailed me again asking for money to be included in his new book. I replied to him asking for my money back from 3 years ago. No reply. I email him from a different email account asking about his new book, pretending to be a stranger. He replied 7 hours later.

    From the research I've done I notice Brown has been scamming often and still continues to. Another practice of his is to CRAM 40 bands on one CD sampler and cut each track to 1 minute each. No band is aware of this until they receive the final product, which is several months after paying the $50 per track. And several weeks past the dispute option time on Paypal. He lures bands with promises to include performances by many famous well-known artists on the CD sampler but upon release sometimes NONE of those artists appear on the record, if the record is even released.

    All the above claims are independently verified on the following webpage.

